20 acts of sadaqah in Islam
What is sadaqah in Islam?
Sadaqah literally means charity .It is an arabic word sadq which means truth. It is all acts directed towards righteousness in Islam. Sadaqah is not all about giving out money or possessions, but also an act of helping out people who are in need in the way of Allah (swt).
References from the Holy Quran on sadaqah
Who is it that will offer of Allah a goodly gift, so He will multiply it him manifold, and Allah stritens and amplifies, and you shall be returned to Him.Al quran 2:245
Alms are only for the poor and the needy and the officials (appointed) over them and those whose hearts are made to incline (to truth) and the (ramsoming of) captatives and those in an ordinance from Allah; and Allah is knowing, wise.Al quran 9:60
20 acts of sadaqah in Islam
- Making Dua:
- Remembrance of Allah SWT (Dhikr):
- Spreading knowledge:
- Advising for good:
- Helping the needy:
- Forgiving:
- To visit the sick:
- Impacting good on the young ones (Tarbiyyah):
- Dawah:
- Guiding people to the right paths:
- To remove harmful things froom paths:
- To smile at Muslim brother/sister:
- Helping an orphan/child:
- Be patient over difficult times:
- Talking parts in religion affairs:
- Digging a well is sadaqah:
- Spending time with your love ones:
- Staying away from evil doings:
- Talking politely:
- Respecting your elderly ones:
Praying for your love ones, the followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), both the living and the non living. Praying for the people in need of prayers is an act of sadaqah.
Keeping it in mind that mind that, Allah SWT have control over over thing both the seen and the unseen. Alwas ask for His forgiveness in every situation you find your self today.
Giving out of knowledge to people who don't have it, in form of public lectures,tutorials,gatherings etc.
Giving advice to those that lack the knowledge of the forthcomings,especially the young ones at home, in school, including those in the society. Helping them with your ideas.
Rendering helps to the poor (needy) and helping those who can not help themselves, especially those with disabilities.
Forgiving people that are seeking for our forgiveness for the wrongs they've done to in one way or the other is also sadaqah. Allah SWT promise to forgive those that has sinned against him and ask him for forgiveness.
Visiting the sick is also an act considered in Islam as sadaqah. It is also the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Nurturing your kids in the way of Allah (SWT), well mannered, teaching them the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Raising them to become responsible in the society.
Spreading the religion brought to us by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the disbelieving world, inviting them to Islam, sharing with them the knowledge of Islam and teaching them the religion.
Your efforts towards guiding those who ate are misguided, convincing them to the right path for the sake of Allah.
When you remove any injurious/harmful things (i.e stones,broken bottles, sharp objects) is also an act of sadaqah.
Putting smiles on any Muslims face is also sadaqah, because you are thereby bringing happiness to their lives.
Helping an orphan/child with the basic essentials of life (like Education, Shelter, Clothing, Food, healthcare and Support) to your capabilities. Making them feel worthy in life.
Always remember that What Allah has befallen on you was never meant to miss you and what He did not give you was never meant to be yours
. So be patient, Allah is all knowing.
Contributing to the the development and success of the religion, partaking in the building of school, mosque,grave,hospital and even financial aid in the the religion.
Building a well or planting a tree which people benefits from is sadaqah, Allah reward you in this dunyah (life) and here after.
When you take out time with parents, husband/wife ,visiting relatives and friends is also sadaqah.
Keeping off from what Allah SWT forbides you from, seeking repentance and doing of more goods is also sadaqah, it also brings you closer to Allah.
Taking cautions of your speech both in open or closed communications. Don't be harsh and rude in your speech.
Given respect to people older than you or ahead of you and showing appreciation for what has been done for you, is also sadaqah.
Sadaqah is quite different from zakah as it is righteous doing towards Allah which is necessary to any Muslims. While zakah in the other, is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is compulsory (enforced) on any Muslim that is capable of giving out of his weath to the poor.